Personal Banking / Transaction Accounts / MoneyZONE Account / What's Cool About MoneyZONE?

What's Cool About MoneyZONE?

MoneyZONE has really cool benefits that will help you save faster.

Here's why…

Tierred Interest Rates

  • MoneyZONE has two tierred rates. As the savings balance grows, the next 'tier' is reached, and a higher rate of interest is earned. So the more money you save, the more money you earn!

No Transaction Fee

  • All transactions performed on BSP ATMs, EFTPOS terminals and Internet Banking are free meaning more savings for you. Please note that transactions on SMS Banking will incur normal fees.

No Monthly Service Fee

  • That's right! There is NO Monthly Service Fee with a MoneyZONE Account.

Paper Withdrawals

  • There is ONE FREE paper withdrawal per month. Please note that this is only applicable for MoneyZONE account holders who are under 13 years old.

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